Monday, March 22, 2010

Weekends, yurts and humming alpacas...

Oh, what a weekend! It was a real weekend. Real, like we socialized and had fun and spent time either doing fun things or doing absolutely nothing.

Friday night was a fantastic bonfire with plenty of friends and good food, including friends that haven't been seen or heard from in these parts in many months. I almost died on the spot when my friend Claire came rolling up the driveway with her fantastically funny significant other Dan. As soon as she arrived, I was reminded once again of just exactly why I adore her. She has the most amazing, sarcastic sense of humor and as it stands, she is my "oldest" friend. We have known each other since the first day of my ninth grade year. In fact, Claire was the first person to speak to me on that stressful and scary first day of high school... and the rest is history. All in all, it was an amazing amalgamation of friends from all of the different pieces and parts of my life and it will be repeated, hopefully with more friends from more facets.

Saturday was a lazy day of recovery from a much later night than I have had in a long time. I saw 2:00 a.m. before I retired and I am still feeling it. Late nights are not my area of expertise. Give me an early morning any day and I'll conquer it. After we got cleaned up and put together, we were headed grocery shopping when a phone call came in announcing a surprise visit from a friend from home. After a very exuberant greeting from his dog, and a great visit, they headed off to finish packing up for their great migration out west. They didn't depart without leaving gifts behind however - we now have our very own colony of bacteria with which to make kombucha. Now we just need to find the recipe so we don't kill the poor little buggers.

As if things weren't awesome enough, Saturday evening got even better with a lovely dinner and coffee date with Jess and Al. After lots of phone tag, we had wonderful vegan foods at The Moat and then some tasty beverages at our lovely local Starbucks. At that point, I was really beginning to feel like a relatively "normal" person. This socializing thing pretty much rocks.

Sunday was a heck of a good day as well! We've been talking about living in a yurt for quite a while now and for the first time ever, we got to actually physically experience one... it was more than either of us could have imagined. There is no way that these pictures do it justice or can come close to evoking the sense and feeling of peace that you get when you walk into this space. The light was the first thing that struck me. The five foot dome in the center of the roof lets in the most beautiful natural light and as soon as I walked in, I was filled with an overwhelming sense of peace and warmth. I was excited at the prospect of living in a yurt before and now I can't wait.

The farm on which we visited the yurt also had a whole bunch of alpacas as well as some amazing free range chickens and turkeys. Not many people realize it, but alpacas have a habit of humming. If you don't know it and you happen to hear them, you might thing you are being haunted by a person involved in a Barbershop Quartet. Their habit of humming is one that my other half and I have picked up. We often will look at each other and let out an exaggerated "hmmmmm." Strange, I know, but so am I. This alpaca in particular looks a little on the grumpy side, but you get the picture.

Aaaannnnnddddd.... aside from the alpacas, as I mentioned, there were a whole mess of fine looking fowl, like these ones:

So anyways... that was my weekend and it was superbly real.

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