Thursday, March 11, 2010

Life Is Good

This past year has brought many, many changes to my life. There have been ups and downs for sure, but for the most part, even though things haven't always been easy, they have been very positive.

For the entirety of my life until not too long ago, I spent a lot more time worrying about other people and what they wanted than who I was and what I wanted. Unfortunately I think it is a trap that lots of young women get caught up in due to their own issues with self esteem and the like. Lord knows I have those kind of issues. It took a long time for me to see that I had value just on my own and I have several people to thank for that.

First off, my very best friend Jess deserves a huge round of applause for always being there for me when I need her. We've only been friends for about a year now, but it feels like we have always been friends. We have so much in common and she really and truly cares. She was one of the first people to really value me for who I am - all of the weirdness included - and love me just like this. Unconditional love is a very special and very rare occurrence.

Another person that has become very near and dear to my heart is Jess's fantastic significant other, Al. He is one of the most intelligent and insightful people I have ever encountered and I consider myself very lucky that he regards me as an intelligent person in turn. Spending time with either, or both of them is one of my favorite things to do. Great people. Great conversation. What more could you ask for?

Next up is one young Miss Megan. This young lady has one of the biggest hearts and probably the strongest shoulders of any 17 year old I have run across. She has kept me talking, and thinking and breathing through all of the times I have needed those reminders. She has taken on the burden of listening to my paranoid ramblings, my insecure tirades, and my incessant questions about whether I am really worth it. Not only, in fact, did she take on that burden; she has carried it around without complaining one bit and has had the ability to always make me smile. I can only imagine what incredible things her growth into adulthood will bring.

I am forever thankful for my family. There are times that they drive me up a wall, but for the most part, they are always behind me, every step of the way, providing any and all kinds of support they can think of. A roof over my head, a shoulder to cry on, a kind ear to listen, bad, bad jokes to make me laugh, and enough love to make me feel warm on the coldest day of the year. (I'd say it's important to note that when I mention my family, I don't just mean people who are related to me by blood. In my mind, there's a lot more to family than a little shared DeoxyriboNucleic Acid.)

Another big dose of thanks needs to go to my other half. Lots of people throw that term around when they're discussing their spouses, but I don't think many people are able to use it with the amount of seriousness I do. There are certain things in life that are just written in the stars. You just have to learn how to play your cards right to win the pot and though I've always been terrible at card games, I think I've got something figured out at this point.

At any rate - thank you all for everything you've done to shepherd me in the right direction and support me on my journey. Though I don't particularly care for the T-shirts, I am willing to say that "Life Is Good".

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