Saturday, October 15, 2011

Long times are passing as this fall seems to be drawing to an early close.

School's back in session, times two for me at this point.
Two nights a week at night school is proving to be a challenge, but one I am sure I can conquer.

Horses are getting fuzzy, my nearly naked dogs are growing hair on their bellies, and time is generally passing quickly. Too quickly I think sometimes and others I think it doesn't go fast enough. I should know better at this point than to wish away time though. We are only gifted with so much of it to begin with and I'm a fan of using it wisely and enjoying it.

Change is in the air. The leaves are changing, the temperature is changing and I am changing as well. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf in life. I've been working for a while now on being true to myself and I think I'm actually getting there. I'm listening to my heart and following what I love and that is what I'd like to keep working on.

I'm in the very last year of my twenties and I'd like to make the most of it. Publishing of poetry, discovering confidence in myself, nurturing the great friendships I've developed... They are all on the to do list.

Thank you to all of the special ones for making it all possible. You know who you are.