Friday, April 1, 2011

Really April??

Well, there goes my pledge to blog once monthly, and apparently there goes the idea that Spring was going to be on time this year. April 1st (rabbit, rabbit, by the way) and we're getting a foot of snow?! Who does that? Apparently we do, whether we want to or not.

Honestly, there's not much to report from here. Things are chugging along as they have been for quite some time now. On a positive note, my wonderful friend Ashley is reading over my poetry manuscript for me so that I can move forward with that. I am looking forward to getting some feedback and getting that ball rolling at some point in time.

Other than that, the dogs are good, the horses are good, the people are good. All in all, it's all good.

Good friends, good times, the good life. That about sums it up. Other than the late snow. It can go suck an egg.