Sunday, September 12, 2010


In terms of the blog anyways... otherwise I've been mighty busy. School has officially started. I have 86 (or so) new little cherubs to get to know and teach about Reading, Life and 7th grade. It's going to be an interesting year for sure. We've got a mix of personalities student-wise and I think they're going to come along quite nicely.

We've got a new teacher on our team this year too and I don't think I have space enough here to say all of the good things I'd like to say about her. She knows her stuff. She knows the kids. She's just fabulous in general.

On the homefront is where the busy bee-ness really begins. We've been cleaning and digging and building in preparation for my ponies coming home. It's been a long time coming and I am very excited that they are going to be back in the front yard. What better lawn ornaments than a couple of 900 pound beasties? The timing could have been a little better, but... life happens. We roll with those punches in this neighborhood these days.

It's all coming along well though. The barn is set. Cyle has been working very diligently to get the fence posts in the ground, even though the large chunks of granite seem to disagree. We've got boards, we've got fence insulators, we've got electric wires... now just for some gates, some stall mats, some shavings and some horses. Just add hay and you've got yourself a mini-farm right in the front yard.

It's also getting to be my absolute favorite time of year. Fair season is knocking on our doors and the Sandwich Fair is likely to be the best time ever this year. Cyle's got the weekend off, we've got friends and family coming to enjoy with us and then come November, we'll be off to the Equine Affaire. Bright days are coming our way. I'd better go find my sunglasses.