Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Getting Thankful

It is one of my favorite times of year. I love the fall with all of it's colors and gorgeous scenery and I love the spirit of Thanksgiving. I try to sit back and be thankful at least a little bit each day, but this time of year, people tend to kick it into high gear and really think about all of the wonderful things in their lives. I thought maybe I'd take a second to list off some things I'm thankful for:

Having people in my life like Jess, Al, Maple, Harvest and Paul
Steady employment
At least one more holiday with my family complete
My baby sister being home
My amazing dogs who snuggle the bejesus out of me every night
My horses who stay fat and happy and are now all fuzzy and snuggly
Caroline, her incredible perspective on life and the healing sense of her homestead
Working with people I enjoy and can laugh with
Parents who are incredibly patient and forgiving
Family who loves and accepts me for who I am
Being loved and understood by someone at such a deep level
Loving and understanding someone at such a deep level
Fitting in with a group of people and a family
Time to write
Horseshoe nails and tail braids
Good students (there are a few!)
Old students who come to visit or text me all the time
Feeling good about myself

And many, many more things as well, but I've officially run out of time. The kids are coming up from the cafeteria and I need to go be a responsible teacher-type person.

Happy Thanksgiving All!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Achy Breaky Head?

Good grief. Migraines seem to be plaguing me these days and it seems like they are changing a little. It used to be just intense pain in the head and nowadays it starts with a nice visual issue. I was sitting at lunch today, enjoying a good book and the company of Bethany when all of a sudden, I couldn't really see too clearly! I knew then it was on the way and prepared for the worst. Thank goodness I had my Accelerated reading class next. They've helped me through a migraine before and they did it again today. They offered to take over and let me leave, and tempting as it was, I did remember my legal obligation to actually watch the children. Gotta love stress. I think I might have to break down and get a "real" prescription to deal with this crap... no more Excedrine for me.

On a lighter note, I actually have the Mac today hooked up to real internet and I think this means that I'm going to post a little poetry. I've been writing like crazy... a couple of hours a night really, which is amazing. I finished up a 250 page journal the other night that I started on August 29th. I have been prolific and I love it. Let me find something good to post....

A tide


inside me

at the very thought

of you.


amazing day –

just a prelude

to a lifetime of

amazing days

and the feeling of pure sunshine

dribbling down our chins.

I like this one. Hopefully you will too...

Friday, November 13, 2009


Everyone has favorites. Favorite days, favorite months, favorite holidays, favorite people, favorite friends, favorite colors and many, many more. I have lots of favorites myself. I've been discovering more every day.

The most recent discovery is that I seem to finally have a favorite color. I never used to. Black was my thing. It is the absence of all color. I was even afraid to get a tattoo in color for a long time because there was just something about colors that affected me. I couldn't wear certain colors on certain days because they just made me feel off.

Eventually though, I got brave and got a gorgeous tattoo of a green oak leaf (Thanks Jess!). It worked for me, and I got two more green oak leaves and a brown one. Green and brown are fantastic colors. They are real and natural and everywhere I look, there they are. There's more brown than green right now and that seems to be just fine with me. I bought a brown car. I have multiple brown sweaters. I love the color brown. It might seem blah and boring, but I think that brown is my favorite color. Don't get me wrong, because I still love green, but there is something about brown that just makes me feel so good. It's warm and comforting and the color of earth.

I know I've mentioned it before, but I love dirt. I love the feeling of it on my hands and under my fingernails. I love the smell of it and the amazing powers and capabilities it has. So much life can grow from the soil. If you tend it and cultivate it, you can do incredible things with a small plot of land and some hard work.

I spent part of Monday planting garlic. The soil was tilled and fertilized and now, in the Spring, four and a half rows of different types of garlic will sprout and grow. Plants really don't require too much. Space to grow, nourishment to get them going, sunshine and water, maybe a little love and encouragement and BAM! you've got growing goodness. What could be better?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Full to the Brim

These days I am feeling full to the brim. So many things are going on in my life and luckily for me, many of them are good.

Good friends, wonderful family, lots of fun and lots of laughter. I'm not sure I could ask for anything more.

I think that pretty much sums it up for today. I am so thankful.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Long Time Gone...

Well, it has been quite a while since I last posted. Things have been a little wild whirlwindy in my life since, judging from the date of my last post, August 16th.

Lots of new, lots of different, lots of changes and they are all good things in the long run. Not necessarily the easiest, but definitely all for the best.

Last weekend at a particularly fantastic wedding I attended for a particularly fantastic friend, another friend was giving me a hard time about not keeping up on the blogging so I figured I would get back into it. My living situations have changed and blogging at home is hard due to a distinct lack of decent internet access (they still DO have dial-up in some locales), so I'm going to have to steal time at school, or haul my computer around to places with wireless. Either way, I am betting I can handle it.

In short, over the last three months, I have done a whole lot of getting back to my roots and getting back to myself. Over time I let myself lose sight of a bunch of things I have always really wanted and the loss of those dreams was really starting to kick my butt. I wasn't happy. At all. In fact, I was very sad. Thanks however to good friends and, I would say, cashing in some good karma I must have built up over time, I am back on the right track and loving it. I'm not exactly where I want to be yet, but I am getting closer every single day. I'm back to having calluses on my hands, dirt under my fingernails, hay stuck in my hair and shoes that smell like horse pee and I'm loving every second of it.

Getting down and dirty (get your mind out of the gutter!) is what I like to do and I am back to doing it regularly.