Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day One

Technically speaking, today is day one of a brand new month. July is supposed to be a month of sun and warmth and awesome summery stuff. Unfortunately at this point, July is starting out the same way June left off... wet, dark and chilly. None of those three things connotes summer to me. I don't know about you. The one thing I know for sure, is that this weather is starting to seriously bum me out. I'm ready for sun and warm weather and haying! It's hard work and you sweat like crazy, but I enjoy the satisfaction of knowing the hayloft is slowly filling up with food for my ponies for the winter. 

I had another pretty good day today. I got a lot done around the house this morning, spent some quality time with my puppies and then spent the afternoon with the amazing Jessica. It's almost her birthday and though she might not be excited about it, a bunch of other people are. Friday is bound to be a good day, full of celebration of an awesome person and the day she came into the world. What better reason to celebrate? I can't think of one. 

I get super jealous hanging out at the shop with Jess. All sorts of people are getting tattooed and it makes me want to get tattooed. I have some ideas... some things I'm planning on. There's just something about the idea of art permanently inked into my skin that puts a smile on my face. It's not always the most comfortable situation, but anything worth anything is bound to have a little discomfort involved in one way or another. You just have to keep your eyes on the prize. Watch for the benefit at the end as opposed to the pain in the middle of it all. That way, you have something good to focus on. 

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