Friday, November 13, 2009


Everyone has favorites. Favorite days, favorite months, favorite holidays, favorite people, favorite friends, favorite colors and many, many more. I have lots of favorites myself. I've been discovering more every day.

The most recent discovery is that I seem to finally have a favorite color. I never used to. Black was my thing. It is the absence of all color. I was even afraid to get a tattoo in color for a long time because there was just something about colors that affected me. I couldn't wear certain colors on certain days because they just made me feel off.

Eventually though, I got brave and got a gorgeous tattoo of a green oak leaf (Thanks Jess!). It worked for me, and I got two more green oak leaves and a brown one. Green and brown are fantastic colors. They are real and natural and everywhere I look, there they are. There's more brown than green right now and that seems to be just fine with me. I bought a brown car. I have multiple brown sweaters. I love the color brown. It might seem blah and boring, but I think that brown is my favorite color. Don't get me wrong, because I still love green, but there is something about brown that just makes me feel so good. It's warm and comforting and the color of earth.

I know I've mentioned it before, but I love dirt. I love the feeling of it on my hands and under my fingernails. I love the smell of it and the amazing powers and capabilities it has. So much life can grow from the soil. If you tend it and cultivate it, you can do incredible things with a small plot of land and some hard work.

I spent part of Monday planting garlic. The soil was tilled and fertilized and now, in the Spring, four and a half rows of different types of garlic will sprout and grow. Plants really don't require too much. Space to grow, nourishment to get them going, sunshine and water, maybe a little love and encouragement and BAM! you've got growing goodness. What could be better?

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