Monday, November 1, 2010

If I were any more introspective....

I'd have turned inside out by now.

I have been having some early morning epiphanies after some long, hard night time thinking. I think the saying, "sleep on it" is a misnomer. When you're thinking about something overnight... there's not much sleep to be had.

I got into one of those moods this weekend where I felt like everything in the world was overwhelming. Everything was piling up on me and I couldn't handle it anymore. It had me irritated and irritable for most of the weekend.

I will go so far as to blame at least part of it on monthly hormonal shifts that affect the way I think, but I was thinking about it this morning and I realized that I really have no reason to get overwhelmed and upset about things that I have committed myself to. It's not like someone is holding me hostage, saying that I have to do laundry for both of us... or that I have to pack two lunches every day. These are things I have chosen to do, because I want to do them.

It's all a part of the balance. We do things for each other because we love each other and though it might feel irritating or overwhelming sometimes, it's just a part of how relationships roll.

On another note, we had a FANTASTIC harvest/Halloween dinner at Jess and Al's last night. Each time I have the opportunity to partake of Al's culinary cuisine, I am amazed at the flavors he blends. Last night, he made an acorn squash, stuffed with wild rice and a special homemade cranberry glaze.... to say it was delectable wouldn't even come close. It was a palate pleaser and then some.

The food was great, the company was even better adn I'm feeling like a human being again. Good combination all around.

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