Thursday, October 28, 2010

Apathy, ignorance and the evils of the snooze button.

Once again, I've had a long stretch of time in between posts. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I haven't had the gumption. I've been lacking get up and go because my get up and go, got up and went and I'm not quite sure where it got to.

The end of October is fast approaching. I can't believe that fall has come and gone like this. It's my favorite time of year and I have enjoyed it, just not for long enough! The leaves are finishing up with their falling and the trees look pretty darn good naked. I'm just saying... there's something special about the spectre of a nearly nude deciduous dendrological design. I'm a fan. A big one.

Honestly I think the reason for my absence from life in general is that the apathy is getting to me. I have been able to hold it off and keep it at bay for a long time, but it's wearing me down. Everywhere I turn, there it is. Students, fellow teachers, the world in general is well on it's way to a giant apex of apathetic B.S. and I don't mean Bachelor of Science.

Ignorance is coming in a close second in this race to drive us all toward the duldrums. You don't have to be uneducated to be ignorant and I've discovered there are plenty of people in this world who have degrees coming out their ears and they are more ignorant that a person who may not have finished the 9th grade. There's not one way to do things, there's not one path to choose. If you open your eyes and allow yourself to be available... good things will surely come your way.

I was planning on ranting a little more, but I'm quickly running out of steam. The sun is shining and I'm desperate to get out and enjoy it. Days are coming where sunshine will come at a premium and 60 degrees will be months away. Here's to enjoying the goodness while it lasts and looking forward to it's eventual return... Contrary to some people's beliefs, winter's not so bad either in my book. There's nothing like the silence after a good snow storm. That's the kind of quiet I can really sink my teeth into.

1 comment:

  1. There is something about bees and flowers.
    They attract together but one goes away every fall, leaving the other without a very important friend.
    Someone that they used to turn to and rely upon vanishes before the other even notices.
    The one left goes to find the other but has no luck.
    The lonely bee buzzes around longing for her flower.
    The bee soon realizes she has to give the flower time to bloom again and waits patiently for her to come back.
    Please don't be my flower anymore. Call me!
