Sunday, November 14, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
If I were any more introspective....
I have been having some early morning epiphanies after some long, hard night time thinking. I think the saying, "sleep on it" is a misnomer. When you're thinking about something overnight... there's not much sleep to be had.
I got into one of those moods this weekend where I felt like everything in the world was overwhelming. Everything was piling up on me and I couldn't handle it anymore. It had me irritated and irritable for most of the weekend.
I will go so far as to blame at least part of it on monthly hormonal shifts that affect the way I think, but I was thinking about it this morning and I realized that I really have no reason to get overwhelmed and upset about things that I have committed myself to. It's not like someone is holding me hostage, saying that I have to do laundry for both of us... or that I have to pack two lunches every day. These are things I have chosen to do, because I want to do them.
It's all a part of the balance. We do things for each other because we love each other and though it might feel irritating or overwhelming sometimes, it's just a part of how relationships roll.
On another note, we had a FANTASTIC harvest/Halloween dinner at Jess and Al's last night. Each time I have the opportunity to partake of Al's culinary cuisine, I am amazed at the flavors he blends. Last night, he made an acorn squash, stuffed with wild rice and a special homemade cranberry glaze.... to say it was delectable wouldn't even come close. It was a palate pleaser and then some.
The food was great, the company was even better adn I'm feeling like a human being again. Good combination all around.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Apathy, ignorance and the evils of the snooze button.
The end of October is fast approaching. I can't believe that fall has come and gone like this. It's my favorite time of year and I have enjoyed it, just not for long enough! The leaves are finishing up with their falling and the trees look pretty darn good naked. I'm just saying... there's something special about the spectre of a nearly nude deciduous dendrological design. I'm a fan. A big one.
Honestly I think the reason for my absence from life in general is that the apathy is getting to me. I have been able to hold it off and keep it at bay for a long time, but it's wearing me down. Everywhere I turn, there it is. Students, fellow teachers, the world in general is well on it's way to a giant apex of apathetic B.S. and I don't mean Bachelor of Science.
Ignorance is coming in a close second in this race to drive us all toward the duldrums. You don't have to be uneducated to be ignorant and I've discovered there are plenty of people in this world who have degrees coming out their ears and they are more ignorant that a person who may not have finished the 9th grade. There's not one way to do things, there's not one path to choose. If you open your eyes and allow yourself to be available... good things will surely come your way.
I was planning on ranting a little more, but I'm quickly running out of steam. The sun is shining and I'm desperate to get out and enjoy it. Days are coming where sunshine will come at a premium and 60 degrees will be months away. Here's to enjoying the goodness while it lasts and looking forward to it's eventual return... Contrary to some people's beliefs, winter's not so bad either in my book. There's nothing like the silence after a good snow storm. That's the kind of quiet I can really sink my teeth into.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Hard to say...
I hadn't, until last night. Someone essentially asked me why I am the way I am. Why my brain works the way it does. Why when someone is upset, I automatically blame myself and try to make it better.
I tried to answer. I really did. Every time I tried though, I just blamed myself.
It's really got me thinking now.
I've always been like that (I think).
I know logically speaking that it makes no sense whatsoever.
I understand that it's extremely ego-centric for me to believe that regardless of what it is, it is my fault.
All of that aside, I feel like that most of the time and I can't for the life of me explain why. I wish I could.
If I could explain it, then maybe I could fix it. Maybe I could change the way I feel and the way my brain seems to function. I would spend so much less time feeling guilty for things that are not my fault and be able to spend more time enjoying.
I worry too much. That is a fact.
I have terrible self-esteem. Another fact.
I feel that when things are good, that means that the apocalypse is looming. Sad, but true fact.
Maybe it's because of the sadness and anger I haven't yet worked through from the barn burning when I was twelve...
Maybe it's my out of control hormones that make me feel terrible about myself on a regular basis...
Maybe there is too much fiction floating around in my head and I need to make a concerted effort to get it down on paper more often...
Maybe I need to keep up with my blog...
So many maybes and no definitive answers. Maybe now that it's swimming around in the soup that is my brain, I'll come to a conclusion of some sort.
One can only hope.
Friday, October 1, 2010
I suck again... (that's what she said.)
My main focus for the past five weeks has been getting my barn up and together for the return of my ponies to the front yard. We were hoping to have things together so they could make the trip last Friday, but it just wasn't in the cards I guess. This Friday it is! As in today. Today is moving day, rain or shine. I'm hoping for a little bit of first of the month "rabbit, rabbit" magic that will bring a pause to the chilly, rainy, showers from about 4:00 to about 6:00 this evening. I'd be down for that for sure, because a 3.6 mile walk in the not rain is sure to be more pleasant than that same walk made in the rain.
Either which way, it's happening. Wet or dry, we're making the journey to the next step. I keep freaking out a little and Cyle (God bless him) keeps reminding me that this is just one step closer to that little farm we've been talking about.
It's not the bringing home of the horses that causes me the mental anguish. I'm pretty pumped to step out the front door and see my pretty mare and pony pony. It's the fact that nearly my entire life has been spent at the barn where they've been. From the time I was a whopping seven years old, my free time, spare time, fun time has been spent mostly there. The memories are what seem to be killing me. The thought that my first pony is buried there and my first horse as well. I'm going to be leaving them behind. Even though I know that there's nothing left connected to their earthly remains, it's still the thought of it. The worry of it. It's change and sometimes I don't handle that well. I guess this is just one of those times. Maybe that's why I get along so well wiht seventh graders. Lots of them have a hard time with transition too.
At any rate, keep your fingers crossed for me. I have a raincoat, but my ponies don't!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
It's been a while....
It's been a great summer. Lots of working, lots of playing and lots of fun. I don't have much time at the moment, and I don't have any of my awesome photos I took of our stupendous garden, succulent flowers or super awesome friends, but that will come in time.
I just wanted to let anyone who might read this know that I haven't completely disappeared from the face of the planet, though it seemed like it for a minute. I'm back and I'll be better about blogging. I promise.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
How many ends does that candle have?
If I could find a candle with four ends, I'd be burning all of them right now. Simultaneously. At the same time. There would be tiny flames and melting wax everywhere you turned.
Friday, May 28, 2010
My 100th blog post... I thought I would do something spectacular and special, but it looks like I'll just spout off a minute about clarity.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Lupines and loveliness...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Holy Hotness...
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Happy Birthday...
Monday, May 24, 2010
Great nights, busy weekends and mountain climbing...
Friday, May 21, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Good Morning.

Good morning! I'm not just using that as the every day greeting... I'm saying I'm having a good morning. In fact, I think that the perfect storm for a good morning occurred this morning. It has gone a little something like this...
Monday, May 17, 2010
Lilacs, pruning and squeaker wars...

Lilacs. I seem to be completely obsessed with them right now. I suppose that could be because every time I take a deep breath, I am swimming in them. I love it. They are amazing.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Smells like heaven...
Friday, May 7, 2010
Gearing up...
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Spring time and the livin's getting easier...
Has anyone else noticed the fact that it has been GORGEOUS outside lately? Yes, the bugs have been a little on the obnoxious side, but the weather is warm and sunny, the leaves are all popped out and the lilacs are starting to bloom.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
What month is it again?
Monday, April 26, 2010
Back to school.....
Well, unfortunately my vacation is over. It was a beautiful week, bookended by things that were not so lovely. A funeral on one end and a moose vs. car encounter on the other. Everything in between was pretty darn good though. I have to say.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Too much.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Creative Juices
Thursday, April 8, 2010
My first obituary...
James T. Elliott, 77, of Tamworth, NH, died peacefully at his home on April 7, 2010, surrounded by his family. Calling hours will be held at Lord’s Funeral Home, 50 Moultonville Road in Center Ossipee NH 03814 on Friday, April 16th from 6-8 pm. The service will be held Saturday, April 17th at 1:00 pm at the South Tamworth Methodist Church on Route 25 in South Tamworth, NH 03883.
Jimmie was born May 25, 1932, to Albert and Gertrude (Berry) Elliott. He graduated from Kennett High School in 1950 and went on to serve in the United States Air Force from 1950-1954 during the Korean Conflict.
In 1958, he became owner/operator of Elliott Brothers Garage, until retiring in 1990. He volunteered for the fire department, Tamworth Finance Committee, and was a member of the Men’s Bowling League. He enjoyed gardening, his grandchildren, watching wildlife in his yard, sitting by the woodstove, his Kubota tractor, cutting his own firewood, NASCAR, the Red Sox, and he had an incredible knack for finding four leaf clovers. He was a unique individual full of ingenious ideas and an incredible love for his family.
He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Dorothy, daughters: Melinda and her husband Peter Heimlich, Melanie and her husband Mark Streeter, Marcia Jayne and her husband Joe Hudak, grandchildren: Casey, Julie, Amanda, Abbey, Dan, Virginia and Josh, and his sister Eleanor Lyman, along with several nieces, nephews and cousins. Jimmie was preceded by his parents, brother Roger and grandson Fred.
Donations can be made in his memory to: The Laura Foundation for Autism & Epilepsy, 1251 Eaton Road, Madison NH 03849, the Make A Wish Foundation of NH, 814 Elm Street, Suite 300, Manchester NH 03101 in memory of his grandson Fred Nathaniel Hatch or The Community School, 1164 Bunker Hill Road, South Tamworth NH 03883. Lord’s Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Bunny Day
Barn? Done.
Waffles? Made... and eaten.
Shower? Taken.
Laundry? In process.
Kale salad? On the docket.
Once again last night... the third Saturday in a row, we had an amazing date night with Jess and Al. Some of Al's ridiculous home cooking, with enough garlic to even satisfy my desires and show Cyle that vegan cooking can be extremely tasty.
Not only was the dinner amazing, the dessert was out of this world. I might even go so far as saying that Al created the perfect cookie. Chocolate, peanut butter, peanuts, chocolate bits... I'm not seeing how that could get much better in any way, and Cyle can't seem to stop eating them either. He has said repeatedly that they're like crack. We were lucky enough to get a to-go plate of them and we've been sucking them down non-stop (that's what she said).
We saw Clash of the Titans. It was decent. It made me want a pegasus worse than I did before. There was some good fighting and the visual stuff was cool, but there wasn't a lot of story to it. I wish that the gods had been more involved and more interesting. Instead it was a whole bunch of Perseus killing stuff... which is fine, but really... what happened to a good storyline?
This spending Saturday evenings together is really rocking my socks off. Hanging out with three of my absolute favorite people in the entire world all at the same time? Hell yes. Thank you all for being the best ones ever.
Now, we're off to the Southern half of the state to have some celebration time and enjoy the sunshine. Hopefully you will too!
Friday, April 2, 2010
It's all Circular
Monday, March 29, 2010
Writing a "new" autobiography...
The gray days
are piling up
and I need to write my life story
all over again.
It’s one of those times
when the truth
is stranger than fiction
and in some cases
where fantasy
Some days my history
just doesn’t add up
to equal my present.
I am a garbled equation
with too many variables
on one side
tipping the balance
in one direction all the time.
I’ve spent years in school
and I still can’t apply
the correct property
to remedy the situation.
I have changed sides
so many times
I don’t remember now
where I began.
Once upon a time
I was a little girl.
I was a little girl
with a pony
and a book in her hand.
Years spent in the sun
that was all I needed.
I felt full.
At home inside my skin.
And then, everything changed.
From one day to the next
I went from a little girl
with a pony
and a book in her hand –
to a little girl
with nothing but ashes
and memories in her hand.
My heart was not just
It ceased to exist.
It disappeared simultaneously
the moment I saw
it was all gone.
It was MIA.
No one had seen it.
I couldn’t feel it.
I thought maybe it was gone for good
and I wouldn’t hurt
ever again.
I learned I was wrong
two months later
when a pair of warm brown eyes
planted the seed
that sprouted
and when that sprout flowered
my heart had grown
The heart brought back feeling
and feeling
meant pain.
I hurt for years
and sometimes
I hurt to this day.
As time went on
I prayed.
I kept talking about silver linings
and everything happening
for a reason
but I just wanted
to understand.
I wanted to know
why bad things happen
to good people.
To little girls
with a pony
and a book in their hand.
Unfortunately for me
answers were not forthcoming
from wherever it is
prayers are supposed to be
answered from.
So I just kept saying
all of those things
I was supposed to be
and doing
all of those things
I was supposed to be
I put myself out there.
I searched for connections.
For love.
For feeling.
For understanding.
For kinship.
And all the while
my soul knew…
It knew there was no more
No more
No more
without finding
because I already found
my other half,
without even looking.
There you were one day.
A fine June afternoon
walking my direction
when I was struck
by this feeling.
A feeling I can’t really describe
but to say that I was
both contented and ecstatic
all at once.
One thought crossed my mind,
“he’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
And I had no idea how right I was.
That summer we forged a friendship.
There was an undeniable bond
and a never-ending daydream on my part
that someday we would be able to be
what I saw in my dreams.
For years I clung to those dreams.
They were my happy place
in a sea of melancholic mastic.
Even though we were separated
by miles
and maybe mistakes
just knowing that you existed
made my days bearable.
I’ve since discovered
that perhaps good things come
to those who wait.
Ten years passed us by
and choices brought us back together.
Connected once again by chance
and I decided I could not let you go.
We started out battling adversity.
You faced the same foe
daily –
fighting against a rip tide
never gaining ground.
All that time we were
searching for something –
searching for salvation –
searching for a reason –
and we became
each other’s something
each other’s salvation
each other’s reason.
We became an island
in our own personal storm.
We weathered that first torrent
A united front behind the scenes,
heading for the forefront.
And one day it all rose
to a deafening crescendo.
Too many insults
too many wrongs
too much hurt.
You came to me
and together we wrote your very own
emancipation proclamation.
Here we are now
months after
the declaration was made
basking in the fact that we’ve actually made it
this far.
Where will our story go from here?
Friday, March 26, 2010
Admitting impediments...
"Let me not to the marriage of true mindsAdmit impediments. Love is not loveWhich alters when it alteration finds,Or bends with the remover to remove:O no! it is an ever-fixed markThat looks on tempests and is never shaken;It is the star to every wandering bark,Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeksWithin his bending sickle's compass come:Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,But bears it out even to the edge of doom.If this be error and upon me proved,I never writ, nor no man ever loved."-William ShakespeareI am a self-proclaimed "word nerd". I think then that it instantly goes hand in hand that I loveShakespeare. My introduction to Shakespeare was very different than most unfortunate highschool students. Instead of being forced to read the brilliant plays that were always meant forperformance, we went ahead and performed. We played up the sex and violence. We learnedabout the dirty, dirty puns. We used hand gestures to enhance the meanings of those puns. Allin all, it was a darn good time. But anyways, I'm not going to go on a diatribe about how awesomeShakespeare is. Not today at least...Today, I want to talk about how hard it is sometimes for some people (in this case namely me) toadmit the impediments. I'll say it right now - I am not good at talking about things that I'm not goodat and unfortunately for me, getting my point across about what I want or need is something that Iam not good at.I am always afraid that I'm going to sound demanding or bitchy when I say that I need someattention. I feel like it makes me sound so selfish... So, instead of just saying it, I get pouty andgrumpy - because that's so much better than sounding demanding right?It seems to me that life is a constant process of revelation and some very important things havebecome clear to me recently:1. Not only is it not my job to "fix" everything, it is also completely impossible.2. As long as I'm not making unreasonable demands, I'm not going to come across as demandingwhen I ask for something that I need.3. The time has come for me to really let it all go and have some faith and that includes having somefaith in myself.4. I am lucky enough to have made it this far so when I pair that luck with this new found faith (andjust to clarify, I'm not talking about some new religious devotion... don't panic) everything is going to be okay.