Good morning! I'm not just using that as the every day greeting... I'm saying I'm having a good morning. In fact, I think that the perfect storm for a good morning occurred this morning. It has gone a little something like this...
I hit the snooze button a couple of times this morning so I got a little extra snuggle time. That is always a good thing.
I packed a quick and easy lunch of leftovers. Yet again. Awesome.
Driving to work, I was listening to WCYY and in the morning now they play blocks of 5 or 6 songs without interruption. Not only did they play that many songs, they were all good songs. Old songs that brought back memories of high school days like Cracker, Pearl Jam and The Bloodhound Gang. When my mom used to drive me to the bus stop, we would hear "The Roof is on Fire" by The Bloodhound Gang and she would sing the chorus. Being 14 or 15 and hearing your mom go to town singing, "The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire. We don't need no water, let the mother f-er burn. Burn mother f-er. Burn." is one of the best things ever. I suppose that's one of the reasons my mom is the coolest. That and she took me to get my first and second tattoo and she paid for them. I don't think it gets much better than that.
After that, I got a big latte with an extra shot of awesomeness... and THEN, my first class of students today chose to continue their RED time through class. A room full of fifteen 12 and 13 year olds chose to continue reading silently for an extra 40 minutes. How much better could that be? Not much, I don't think.
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