First off, I took this picture last night. Dexter, who is a bed hog all the time, decided that he needed to lay on my pillow. I figured if I laid on him, he would move... right? Wrong! As you can see, he was SOUND asleep and stayed right there until after midnight. I fell asleep like that as well and only woke up because he moved. I was awake when the picture was taken, but closed my eyes to protect against the ridiculously bright flash.
So, I have to be honest, my evening this evening has been a real up and down kinda night. I went north to pick up a prescription and made it approximately four minutes before the pharmacy was going to close... score one for me. Next came dinner at a new restaurant and this is where things went really downhill.
The decor is cute, but that's about where the goodness ends. I ordered a salad and said VERY specifically that I did not want any blue cheese... I am not a cheese eater and that stuff is just utterly disgusting. The salad came out, with avocados that honest-to-god must have been accidentally frozen and little bits of blue cheese all through it. I tried to pick it out because I absolutely hate to be a pain, but try as I might I couldn't. I ate a bite that had some in it and I gagged. Hard. I couldn't touch anymore of it. At least they didn't make me pay for it. On top of that awesomeness, I also managed to get a big yellow stain on my white shirt from the appetizer that accidentally came out with the meals. Gotta love those computer glitches.
Following the restaurant mishaps, I thought that maybe ice cream would be a fitting substitute for a real meal. I've done that many a time in my day... tonight wasn't the night for that either! I ordered chocolate ice cream with peanut butter mixed in - a definite winner anytime - and got some gross ice cream that honestly tasted like meat. Like when you have something in the refrigerator or freezer has been sitting for too long with other stuff that smells really strong... it was just bad. Bad, bad, bad.
There were several positives however that completely made up for the nastiness of the food business. First off, I got some awesome new shoes for walking/running with my doggies, along with a fun hat and another awesome T-shirt. Then, the biggest positive of all: at Border's, I ended up getting a $40 book of essays that a geeky English major-y type such as myself was immediately attracted to, for $24!! Here's to reading a bunch of fantastic literary awesomeness for nearly half price!
I've been working for a long time to see the silver linings to all of the cloudy days and today, I think I've succeeded. Go me.
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