Saturday, July 11, 2009

Thank you Mr. Frog

I think I might have found a silver lining to all of this rain... I was driving home from yet another awesome dinner with Jess, Paul and Al (I haven't had a not awesome one yet) and instead of slaloming to avoid the little frogs chilling on the rainy roads, I only saw a couple and they were easily avoidable. I'm guessing that there is enough wetness in the woods that the little froggies don't feel the need to come out on the pavement to soak up the good old H2O. Hooray for that! I get super stressed trying to avoid those little buggers. 

Dinner this evening was a birthday celebration for Jess's mom. As Paul mentioned, if it weren't for her, there would be no Jess and that would be a tragedy! I feel like such a jerk too, because I completely forgot to wish her a Happy Birthday! Since I forgot then, I'm doing it now - Happy Birthday Jess's Mom! Thank you for giving birth to such awesomeness. 

I have discovered that awesome conversation is something that absolutely makes my life a better existence. There is no lack of awesome and intelligent conversation while spending time with Jess, Paul and Al. The topics are wide and far-ranging and always super interesting. I like using my brain and I try to be always thinking with this crowd. 

Paul let me borrow Season 4 of Def Poetry Jam and I absolutely can't wait to watch it. Slam poetry and the like are some of my favorite things. My other "homework" is to watch the movie Rushmore... I've heard of it. I wanted to see it, but I never have. Now it is a must. I'll see if I can find it tomorrow. Thank goodness for intelligent people. You guys are awesome. 

Once maybe
in a lifetime 
a dream 
comes close enough
to grasp.
To let it slip
through careless fingers
would be a 

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