Long times are passing as this fall seems to be drawing to an early close.
School's back in session, times two for me at this point.
Two nights a week at night school is proving to be a challenge, but one I am sure I can conquer.
Horses are getting fuzzy, my nearly naked dogs are growing hair on their bellies, and time is generally passing quickly. Too quickly I think sometimes and others I think it doesn't go fast enough. I should know better at this point than to wish away time though. We are only gifted with so much of it to begin with and I'm a fan of using it wisely and enjoying it.
Change is in the air. The leaves are changing, the temperature is changing and I am changing as well. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf in life. I've been working for a while now on being true to myself and I think I'm actually getting there. I'm listening to my heart and following what I love and that is what I'd like to keep working on.
I'm in the very last year of my twenties and I'd like to make the most of it. Publishing of poetry, discovering confidence in myself, nurturing the great friendships I've developed... They are all on the to do list.
Thank you to all of the special ones for making it all possible. You know who you are.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Summer draws to a close...
Again, it's been quite a while since I've "blogged". I think I've been a little busy this summer!
We grew a gorgeous garden for Bearcamp Garden, where our veggies are for sale, and we have another, equally gorgeous garden at home where we've been working on meeting our goal of preserving enough vegetables to keep us through the winter and we're well on our way!
Change is in the air... seasons are coming to a close, as are phases, and new adventures are looming on the horizon. Hopefully, they'll be fruitful and fun.
Here's to hoping.
And here's to being thankful for amazing friends who always lend an ear to listen, or a shoulder to lean on. You guys are the best ones.
We grew a gorgeous garden for Bearcamp Garden, where our veggies are for sale, and we have another, equally gorgeous garden at home where we've been working on meeting our goal of preserving enough vegetables to keep us through the winter and we're well on our way!
Change is in the air... seasons are coming to a close, as are phases, and new adventures are looming on the horizon. Hopefully, they'll be fruitful and fun.
Here's to hoping.
And here's to being thankful for amazing friends who always lend an ear to listen, or a shoulder to lean on. You guys are the best ones.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
It's Been a While...

Peonies bloom
in a burst of color
and intoxicating scent.
White petals
sprinkled with dew
under the weight of expectation.
Perfect globes encase
the beginnings of each masterpiece
while ants parade
through pollination -
their tiny feet
encouraging flowers
to come forth and greet the sun.
He loved peonies.
All shades -
baby pink to magenta,
all variations in between.
His hands
once roughened by work,
then softened by age,
would cup a blossom
like handling a newborn grandchild
and bring it to his face
just a ghost of a kiss
and whisper of appreciation.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Really April??
Well, there goes my pledge to blog once monthly, and apparently there goes the idea that Spring was going to be on time this year. April 1st (rabbit, rabbit, by the way) and we're getting a foot of snow?! Who does that? Apparently we do, whether we want to or not.
Honestly, there's not much to report from here. Things are chugging along as they have been for quite some time now. On a positive note, my wonderful friend Ashley is reading over my poetry manuscript for me so that I can move forward with that. I am looking forward to getting some feedback and getting that ball rolling at some point in time.
Other than that, the dogs are good, the horses are good, the people are good. All in all, it's all good.
Good friends, good times, the good life. That about sums it up. Other than the late snow. It can go suck an egg.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
A little more frequency Kenneth?
It's wild when suddenly, out of the blue, you are stopped in your tracks by the intense and unmistakeable ache of missing someone.
It's not exactly something that gets talked about either. It should, but it seems like our culture does not condone public mourning. Other cultures shriek and moan and tear out their hair and wear black for months to commemorate the passing of a person you love. Here, you cry, you have a funeral, and life is supposed to just go on. People are just left lonely in their own mournful bubble.
My grandfather has been gone for almost a year now. Really, almost eleven months, and it feels like I just saw him yesterday. It hasn't hit me that he doesn't exist anymore. April 7, 2010 was the last day he took a breath on this Earth and now he is no longer.
Sometimes I still expect to see him in all of the places that I used to see him. I expect to drive by his sawmill and see him out there sawing out a load of bird's eye maple for someone, or a load of white oak flooring. Then, I drive by and remember that the sawmill is gone and that he wouldn't be able to use it, even if it were still there.
I was struck by a memory today as I was driving on old Route 25, which I am sure has some other name now. I remembered thinking I was so grown up one day, shortly after I got my license because I picked up a Cookies'N'Creme Crunch Bar and a Sprite and I took them to him. He had a sweet tooth like no other and he was so surprised and happy to see me when I pulled up and got out of the car. It was a simple memory of something that happened twelve or so years ago, but it hit me like a hurricane.
“So sorry for your loss.”
A phrase that echoes from innumerable mouths
and I just wish I could reply…
“He is not ‘lost’,” I want to say,
though we do not know
where he is.
He is gone.
Never again to walk along garden rows
finding four leaf clovers and mayflowers.
Never again to savor a chocolate
at Christmastime.
Never again to wash dirty hands
with Lava soap
or hold my hand in his.
His hat hangs on the chair –
as I ache for another glimpse of him
in my dreams.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Oh geez....
So, maybe this is going to become a once a month kind of thing... I do have a lot to say, I swear. I guess there's just not enough time to say it in.
January flew by. Life is good. My taxes are done. My least favorite month of the year has arrived, but I'm working hard on changing my view. Just because I crossed out the "February" on my calendar and wrote in "F*&%uary" doesn't mean I'm not trying... right?
It's a tough month. Lots of anniversaries of things that don't bring about happy memories. February has been a month of loss for me historically and as they say, history repeats itself. At least I suppose it has a tendency to though there's no guarantee.
I'm thinking maybe that's what I need to focus on. "Life is Not a Guarantee". It's a great song by a great bluegrass band, Kickin' Grass. We saw them at the Pemi-Valley Bluegrass Festival last year and fell instantly in love. That song is definitely my favorite. It spoke to both of us pretty intensely. It's certainly worth a listen.
This February (knock on wood) has started out well. I've spent time with people I love, doing things that I love. Got a beautiful new tattoo yesterday from my very best friend Jess, after a big, fantastic breakfast of the most delicious pancakes ever, made by her significant other and another one of my very best friends, Albert.
Not much to complain about in my world and I intend to keep it that way!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Let a New Year Ring
Well, obviously it's pretty clear that I'm not so good at keeping up with this blog business anymore... I haven't posted anything since November 14th and that's quite a while. Oops. I get busy with other things and I just don't think to make time for my blog.
At any rate, I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions. I think they are just a surefire way to set yourself up for failure. People have a hard time creating reasonable goals and resolutions for themselves and then they don't follow through. I am sure that some people have the guts and gumption to do it, but I'm just not one of them. It's too daunting to me to set out a big goal for myself for the new year.
I will say this however; I have been working hard year round recently to improve my life. I've made changes that have brought me in a much better direction than the one I was heading. I am happy and though my situation isn't exactly ideal, it's perfect. I couldn't ask for anything more or anything different.
I am surrounded by the people that I love and those who love me for who I am. I have the greatest friends a person could ask for and I have my other half. I am complete, whole, full and satisfied. Thank you world, spirits, omniscient presences, ancestors, ghosts, whoever you may be who are helping me out and pointing me in the right direction. I appreciate your influences that have helped to bring me where I am today.
May everyone have a Happy New Year full of bountiful blessings, health and love.
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